I just came back from my
10th Chemo therapy today from the Memeorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. (Colon cancer: stage 4 - for those who don't know). This experience really makes me humble. Statistically, close to 90% do not make it for five (5) years from the initial diagnosis ( I was diagnosed in October 2005 - you keep the count). 10% live beyond 5 years (in cancer terms, if you live over 5 years then you are considered a survivor and indeed some live a full life as well). Every two weeks, like a clock work, I go and receive chemo injection on Monday. Then they send me home with the injection still attached - I am on this injection until Wednesday afternoon. This certainly does not sound fun but at least it gives me time to think and work if I feel OK.
Now, this is the amazing thing. I feel quite OK.
When I see other patients at the hospital, most don't look too fresh - if you know what I mean. When I look in the mirrior, I l-o-o-k freshhhh! When I get a chance, I will post my current picture in this blog. Thank you for those who prayed for me and for my family. I will beat this game as well - you watch. I was always in the top 10% of whatever I did. In schools, in clubs and associations, and at work. Why stop now? This is simply a new chellenge (too bad my life is on the line but that also makes it interesting) and I have to win it because of my son -
Ace. Those of you who do not have kids - think again. There is no greater joy than having your own copy walking around.
Ace is now a reason for me living.
In a way, I gave myself a present (Ace) - who knew.
At almost 40 years of age, I now realize how much my parents love me. I probably knew this before but not in this way. I have always been a confident man but now I am more confident than ever. I can do whatever I want and know that my parents will love me anyway. Oh, what a feeling - do you have this experience too? It's like understanding the Da Vinci Code. My point is this - the most important thing in your life is (other than your health) your family and friends. Be healthy (eat only the best) excercise (I get an "F" on this one) and spend as much time with families and friends (I get an "A" on this). Of course the smart way to do this is to eat & excercise with your friends and families - Got that?
Back to business: Let me explain the title of this page.
1. Baseball has nine (9) innings
2. In this game (trading) 1 and 1/2 month = 1 inning.
3. One quarter (eg: Jan - Mar 2006) = 2 innings.
4. The last quarter (Oct - Dec ) = each month is 1 innings.
5. Thus the full year is consist of 9 innings = Yeh...
I know this may sound silly to some of you but the purpose of this is to make it fun and to have you keep good records. Most investors do not keep detail records (score). Can you imagine a baseball player who do not know and keep good records of his performance? You must have a neat score sheet and know the numbers by heart. I see too many smart guys who know the exact batting average of a baseball player (millionare
stranger) but have no idea what percentage gain or loss in his various investments (IRA, 401K, mutual funds, stocks etc.). Does this make any sense? or is it me?
Many people respond this way: Oh, that's not my major / that's not where my interest is / I am not in the investment field / I don't care / blah- blah- blah. What man in this country, in this 21st century do not have interest in the money? Isn't that why you work in the first place? Did you know that all millionares made their money from investing? not from payroll (salary & bonus)? Some of you have to wake up. And this is my gift to you all. Take it.
According to the rule above, we are now in the bottom of 3rd inning. The 3rd inning ends May 15th. The score so far is 2:0 (
AceTrader 2 : Nasdaq 0 ). For me, I do not use the Dow30 or SP500 as my bench mark (my opponent). Instead, I use the Nasdaq composit as my bench mark. Why? Look at what we have. We do not own any stocks from the DOW or SP500. Why compare apples to oranges? By the way, Nasdaq performed the best so far in 2006. In each inning if my portfolio beat the Nasdaq index I score 1 point and vice versa. When one stock does extremely well its a home run (I think we will have a home run in the 3rd inning
IDWD - wait until 5/15), if many stocks go up in small moves then we have many first base hits. In any case, if we beat the Nasdaq index we score one. Let's keep it simple. By the end of the 3rd inning (May 15th) I think we will have a score that look like this:
AceTrader 3: Nasdaq 0Isn't this fun? I hope this is not too confusing.
OIL: Probably has to take a small rest but will head toward $90/barrel (now $73)
GOLD: Too much too soon. Has to take a rest. Long term = Bullish.
Stocks: In the start of mini bull before heading lower in the summer, I think.
As you know (see my past notes), I had 2 units in Oil related holdings (
OIH, BJS). Last Friday I took profit in the BJS (sold at $39.40 - bought at $35). Now this does not mean that I think BJS will go down. I still like BJS, however, it was simply a portfolio management. I want 1 unit in OIL stocks in the long run. I am still keeping my OIH (this is for long term).
I shorted
TZOO on Monday (at $46.75) as I have told you on Friday. This may go up further. I still think this will fall. If TZOO reaches $53.25 then I will short again (making my cost $50/sh). This is a dangerous move so don't try this unless you are ready for it. Obviously this is my quick trade move. Not a long term investment.
I am still short
KRY (went down 2.5% today).
I am out of
RMBS short as of Friday. (shorted at $45 - covered at $35 in one day, read Hole i one). On monday it shot up +13% because it won a legal patent case again st Hynix (Korean chip maker - 2nd largest in the world, the largest chip maker in the world is, you guessed it - Samsung, also Korean). Even with this news, this is way over priced. I will short this again. There are just too many expensive stocks now. This summer does not look good.
My team will play defensive during 4,5,6th innings. Lock in the winning score I say.
What is considered defensive? OIL/GOLD/BIG DRUG companies/Special situations (stocks that do not follow market moves). Look in here for up coming news.
P.S: If you have questions, put them in the comment section at the bottom of this page. Don't e-mail me directly. I get too many e-mails. I am a sick man for gods sake :-)