
This site was designed to communicate with friends who share similar interest. The interest in the "free market". Stocks, over the long term, provide the best return on your money. More than cash, bonds and even real estate. Understand that investing is a learning process. We will learn from our mistakes and move on. This is a journey. Enjoy the ride!

Location: Bayside, New York, United States

My love for the market began in 1987 when I first opened a brokerage account with Fidelity Investments. You know what happened back in 87'. "Black Monday", the market crashed. My initial $ went down fast. Thus began my thirst for the challenge to make it in the market. Although I have science background, my Bachelors degree is in Economics from Washington University (great school). I also have earned an MBA in Finance from Fordham University, New York. Although I am registered as an "investment advisor" with the NASD, any information in this blogger is not intended for any business use.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election 2006: MIDS

As of this writing (5:30pm), the election results are still coming in. I just came back home after the CT Scan this afternoon. Let me share with you what goes on when I go for the CT Scan. First, I have to sign a disclosure form (there could be complications you know) stating that I am aware of the various dangers. Then, I have to drink a full bottle (30-40 oz) of dye (red fluid) liquid. This will highlight various organs in my stomach. A nurse will prep me by sticking a rather large needle in my vein (ouch). Finally, I walk into the room with the hugh GE machine that look like a hugh dougnut. Once I lay down, a different nurse will hook me up to the small machine that will inject glow-in-the-dark like substance into my vein (this is called contrast). As soon as this material pumps into me, I feel hot (literally hot) in my face and between my legs. I can feel this fluid running in my veins! The scan just takes five minutes. I am done.

Listen, I am just trying to entertain you.
Back to business. As I have stated many times, I expect balance of power (Republicans control the Senate and Democrats contol the House). If not, we are in for a surprise. If Republicans end up with total sweep, stocks will probably fall. Mr. Bush however, will have a field day! As much as I like the Republican economic agenda (low taxes, pro business), I do not wish for one sided total control. So, make sure you understand the election results before going to bed tonight.

Traders: I have QID action, just in case. At this point, there are more risk on the down side than up. The market seems to price in the balance of power. Anything that disturbs this will have consequences. I am covering my butt with the QID.

Today, I had the chance to buy more of MIDS at $0.82/share. As usual, I am lowering my average cost on this. Most investors have no clue what MIDS has to offer. Many are getting too tired of waiting and some are selling. Yes! I get to buy it from them at ridiculous prices. I am in the mode of heavily accumulating MIDS shares. Sometime in 2007, this will trade at much much higher price. This information is coming from purely my gut. There are no news available to justify my bullishness on MIDS. Please commit only the money you can afford to kiss away.

For the record, MIDS is a speculative play - I have said it many times. But, I think it has potential to double, triple and even quardruple in a year. I will be buying more and more as prices fall. My ultimate wish is for MIDS to go down to a quarter, maybe? This will be exciting.

I will be following the election results closely tonight.
Don't call me. I am going to savor every minute of the coverage. To me, this is more exciting than the Worldseries. See ya tomorrow.

P.S: Traders: if the market suddenly jumps tomorrow, go short. You know what I mean.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bought 2000 shares of qid at 54.81 today.
Had shorted 2000 shares of OMG at 57.25 ten days ago after reading your comment.
Covered 2000 of OMG at 50 today. With $ 14500 profit in 10 days , I need to start paying for your steak dinners.
I hope your CT Scan result are negative for any residual tumor.

7:17 PM  
Blogger Jaewoo said...


Thank you for sharing your success with us. Your keen sense of quick action is paying off.

I know people who lost money with the #1 mutual fund in America.

And believe me, I will get my steak one way or another : )

3:37 AM  
Blogger Jaewoo said...

Oh, I got my QID: 2,000 @ $54.85
I will exit with $1 to $2 quick profit per share.

3:53 AM  

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