Birthday Gift
AUTO: + 30.37%
IDWD: + 11.24%
UTK: + 13.01%
These are one (1) day gains in our holdings!
By the way, the market was terrible today: Dow down 76points, NASDAQ down 2%.
Need I say more?
My chemo session ended this morning so I am quite tired.
I will give you more detailed analysis on our current holdings but until then you know exactly what I own.
Here is a tip you should know: If I don't sell, then it is a buy.
A stock should be either a Buy or Sell, no in between.
Some people use "Hold" rating. What is that? A "Hold" means not sure? If you are not sure, then it is a sell.
One more tip: Sell some or all of your stock if you have nice gains.
I always try to sell 33% - 50% of my holdings when it doubles. Remember that I also gave you my target price for all stocks in our portfolio for your use. It is only a guideline. I am not that smart. Use your own judgement when you need to lock in your gains. Of course, I will tell you when I sell.
Last tip: Whenever possible, try to go back and read past notes in this blog regarding your stocks. It will help you gain instincts in this business. Gut feeling is quite imortant I think.
Thanks gain for those who sent nice words and gifts!
P.S: Since my average cost for AUTO is $1.08 I have placed a limit order to sell half at $2.16 good-till-cancel. Just so you know.
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